Purchasing a fee stall cow barn from AGRIPRO means you are doing it right first time.
AGRIPRO free stall cow barns align with best practice for high performance dairy production. It may sound expensive; getting it wrong is expensive. These errors will cost your farming business everyday until you fix it. Best practice is based on professional research by leading veterinarians who have studied free stall housing for tens of years. The results are freely available, however their are still farm consultants, dairy housing specialists builders, steel fabricators and concrete placers advertising as specialists getting sheds designed and built wrong.
Don’t think of this as just another shed. Think of this as your livelihood.
At AGRIPRO we back what we do, specify and build with scientific facts and proven outcomes. Get the design right, use a builder of repute, and fit your barn out with a proven free stall design and dividing system, install the best bedding and you will never look back. AGRIPRO has heard countless times “I wish we had better information when we built.” If you are in the process of barn planning, have got barn plans and are ready to build. It may pay to take a closer look at those plans. This cow barn needs to make you money.
Call AGRIPRO to discuss your cow barn plans and building needs today on 0800 48 36 36.