Our Company

Welcome to AGRIPRO

Optmising Potential.

We help farmers succeed in Optimising Potential by supplying them with solutions and products that deliver sustainable efficiencies which drive increases in production yields and reduce costs and other negative farm outputs.

AGRIPRO is a division of Teneo Limted, a 100% wholly owned and operated New Zealand business.  We value our New Zealand roots and remain dedicated to providing enduring positives which enhance the lives of our customers, the communities they live in and support; while promoting and protecting the environment of which we all depend on. We do this by supplying farmers who expect the best, with best.

Best Products. Best Price. Best Buy.

We ‘re here to help you.
Seeking to optimise your farming potential? Want to know more about what we can do for you?

Give us a call today on 0800 48 36 36.