Maintaining barn hygiene is a key responsibility of the farmer.

Using the most efficient effluent scraper system is paramount in achieving sustainable barn comfort and hygiene for both the cows and the workers. Keeping your barn alley’s clean and dry means the cows hooves will be cleaner, and therefore their bedding, udders and withers. The cows hooves will also be in better condition. DairyPower® is the foremost leading European designer, manufacturer and exporter of effluent products and systems. DairyPower® exports their superior quality products world wide into the most demanding agricultural environments. DairyPower® offers complete value adding packages for you dairy effluent managements needs from the worlds first Hydraulically driven Rope Scrapers to the worlds first slurry aeration system, ; with over 200 installed world wide.

Installing the trouble free DairyPower®hydraulic motor vs. traditional geared motor? Yes chain scrapers are a thing of the past; they are expensive to purchase, install, maintain and operate.

DairyPower’s® Hydraulic Rope Scraper do not use a geared motor as traditionally used in all other scraper systems, it instead uses a hydraulic motor which is driven with a hydraulic power pack, the same as used in our Ratchet Scraper System which has been tried and tested over the past 20 + years.

The hydraulic power pack is driven by a low consumption electric motor and the whole system is controlled by a user friendly electronic control panel which the farmer can easily set to operate on both Manual and Auto functions. The Auto function can be set to operate at various hourly intervals throughout the 24 hour cycle.

DairyPower® offer the complete trouble free package of effluent scraper options.

Dairypower’s® Hydraulic Scrapers are easily installed, entirely programmable and has the lowest maintenance and energy consumption. The hot dipped Galvanized steel scraper unit is suitable for concrete and rubber floor surfaces. DairyPower® proudly assembles every part of the entire system in its own manufacturing facility under high quality control standards. Program the effluent scrapers individually to work the way you need them too, and avoid unnecessary running costs, wear and tear on your flooring and scraper unit system.

Safety with every pass.
The effluent scraper system has a built in system that stops and reverses the effluent scraper when it becomes snagged/over loaded. The effluent scraper system reverses, pauses and continues its programmed path. Should the obstacle be met again, the same reversal system will take place. This mechanism is programmed for it to take place upto five times if necessary. If the obstacle persists after this time the effluent scraper system will shut off and sound an alarm.

DairyPower® effluent scrapers offer:

  • The safest, most quiet scraper option on the market
  • Trouble free scrapers with lowest maintenance and energy consumption
  • Easy to use and programmable for increased barn management
  • Exclusive safety features
  • No electronic components in contact with the slurry
  • Hot Dipped Galvanized steel construction
  • Rope and Rachet options
  • Cleaner alleys, increased body cleanliness score, less Mastitis cases
  • Increases cow barn and herd hygiene
  • Increases quality milk production
  • Reduces veterinarian and herd management costs


Call AGRIPRO® to discuss your effluent management needs today on 0800 48 36 36.



> Click on the videos below for more information about DairyPower® effluent scrapers. 


>How it Works

>> Click here to download the brochure as a PDF.