Agpro® manufactures industrial grade machines to operate in every type of climate 24/7 with every success.

Agpro® is depended on by millions of cows and swine, and thousands of farmers and other stake holders world wide a to manage their farm environments effluent out put through innovative and robust products that are often at the fore front in product development and efficiencies.

Agpro®  flush valve reservoirs are designed to meet your purchase demands and will ensure the right amount of water is available when it is needed.
Depending the exact scenario that you maybe using the flush valve system for, will qualify the exacting specification for your reservoir system. Standard and custom reservoir tanks are manufactured to the level of finish required. Pumps and control systems are also available to link the facility demands and provide  you with a seamless control system.


Call AGRIPRO to discuss your effluent management needs today on 0800 48 36 36.



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