A clean cow is a visual indicator of good dairy production management.

Self-grooming cows are healthier and more productive, with significant reductions in clinical mastitis. Cows want to rub and to scrape, they clean themselves this way and get rid of external parasites and external impurities. Brushing relieves the cow, stimulates blood circulation and increases general skin health and its ability to control it’s temperature. Reductions in clinical mastitis, increases in barn hygiene, milk production and a quieter and healthier herd  are the results of using the AGRICOW® Ergo cow brush.

Why this is the best cow brush on today’s market.
AGRICOW® automatic rotary Ergo cow brushes have proven themselves in dairy barn situations worldwide for over 12 years. Due to its design and brush length the Ergo cow brush offers the most efficient grooming range of all of the cow brushes on today’s market. With a one metre long patented Ergo hourglass shaped brush, your cows will receive the maximum groom sooner and more safely.

Grooming safely. 
Unique electronics safely control any critical situation for the cow and machine for optimum safety. Overload protection, automatic locking in the case of a forced stop, safety reverse, and voltage and temperature sensors regulate proper functioning. The Ergo cow brush pivots in all directions and locks at 45 degrees to stop it swinging dangerously and allows the cow to choose the pressure of the massage; this increases the grooming intensity, body range and time use efficiency.

AGRICOW®  Ergo cow brushes offer:

  • Cleaner, healthier, settled cows
  • Increased body cleanliness score
  • Faster grooming times
  • Reduces Mastitis cases
  • Increases quality milk production
  • Increases cow barn and herd hygiene
  • Saves on manual labour
  • Reduces veterinarian and herd management costs
  • Galvanized steel construction
  • Weather proof
  • Exclusive safety features


Call AGRIPRO to discuss your automatic rotary cow brush needs today on 0800 48 36 36.



> Click on the video below for more information about AGRICOW® Ergo cow brushes. 


> Click on the video below for more information about AGRICOW® Ergo cow brushes.